
Insights Kaius Foxx Insights Kaius Foxx

How Marketers are Utilizing Artificial Intelligence and Accounting for Data Bias

Data accuracy is more important than ever now that we are experiencing a generative AI boom. According to Truthset’s Benchmarking Study fielded in 2022, accuracy for Hispanic, Black, and Asian US audiences have a data accuracy of 83%, 80%, and 57%, respectively. This means that businesses, and most likely, artificial intelligence, are using data that is not fully reliable or representative of Multicultural audiences to make business decisions, and in the case of AI, the biased data is used to reinforce machine learning.

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Insights Kaius Foxx Insights Kaius Foxx

Underrepresentation For Hispanic Audiences In Consumer Data Sets

Truthset released results detailing how the overall data industry is currently underrepresenting the Hispanic population in the United States.

A Q2 2023 study revealed that the data industry includes just 58% of Hispanic audiences in the U.S. With 42% of Hispanic audiences not recorded in data sets, advertisers can’t properly allocate targeted ad spend, while content owners are missing opportunities to develop more programming for Hispanic viewers.

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