
Good Kaius Foxx Good Kaius Foxx

Life in Ny-Ålesund, the world’s northern-most research station – in pictures

Ny-Ålesund in Svalbard, Norway, sits deep within the Arctic Circle, about 700 miles from the north pole. It has about 35 year-round residents, but in summer the population swells to more than 100 as scientists fly in from around the world. Life in the town centres around saunas, sled dogs, and a weekly evening gathering called Strikk og Drikk, or Knit and Sip.

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Good Kaius Foxx Good Kaius Foxx

‘It was like an apocalyptic movie’: 20 climate photographs that changed the world

There was some controversy, with critics (including some climate crisis deniers) arguing that it’s impossible to prove exactly why this particular creature was so ill. But experts agree that polar bears in general are at serious risk. “The Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the planet, melting the sea ice that polar bears require,” says Krista Wright, executive director of Polar Bears International. “Research shows that if business-as-usual greenhouse gas emissions continue, it’s likely that all but a few polar bear populations will collapse by 2100.”

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