
Innovation Kaius Foxx Innovation Kaius Foxx

Innovative ways UK retailers can scale great holiday campaigns

Even though the smell of barbecue still lingers in the air, retail marketers need to start ramping up for the holiday season. They can begin cleaning their database of stale or antiquated data and warming their contact list to stave off deliverability issues. Even more, they should be considering the implementation of a zero-party data strategy to load the database with opt-ins and the psychographic and preference data required to deliver better personalised offers that their customers actually want.

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Insights Kaius Foxx Insights Kaius Foxx

PepsiCo martech leader unveils game-changing UK business strategies

To remain competitive in today’s signal-saturated world, marketers need to deliver relevant, personalised content throughout the customer journey. According to a new eConsultancy report, in partnership with Cheetah Digital, entitled 2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index: Consumer Attitudes and Trends in Personalisation, Privacy, Messaging, Advertising and Brand Loyalty, UK consumers are rewarding brands that make personalisation a priority. More than half of the respondents said they would trade personal and preference data to feel part of a brand’s community.

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Insights Kaius Foxx Insights Kaius Foxx

UK Mobile expert reveals consumer engagement trends and opportunities

Andy Gladwin, Head of Global Mobile GTM, Cheetah Digital discusses how there’s a growing body of evidence, suggesting that people are more obsessed with their mobiles than ever before. For marketers and brands, this obsession translates into incredible opportunity, especially as the third-party cookie crumbles and relationship marketing emerges as king of the marketing paradigm.

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